Business Leaders Virtually Visit the Capitol for Business Clean Energy Day

Over 250 business and chamber executives meet with bi-partisan leadership to discuss importance of renewables to economic recovery
Last month, hundreds of business and chamber leaders came together for Virtual Business Clean Energy Day to meet with legislators and learn about the role clean energy will play in Massachusetts economic recovery. The all-day event was kicked off with an open speaking program. Participants heard from Secretary Theoharides, Representative Tom Golden, Senators Michael Barrett and Marc Pacheco, Surya Panditi from Enel X North American and Emily Reichert from Green Town Labs. Attendees heard about the Administration’s clean energy priorities for the 2020 session as well as for post pandemic recovery as well as priorities from clean energy sector companies. 

After the opening session, business leaders and chamber executives enjoyed intimate conversations with bipartisan leadership including Undersecretary Judy Chang, Commissioner Patrick Woodcock, Representative Tom Golden, Senator Marc Pacheco, Senator Jamie Eldridge, Senator Michael Barrett, Representative Maria Robinson, Senator Bruce Tarr, and Representative Pat Haddad (the latter two were rescheduled for a different day per the needs of the legislators). 

Virtual Business Clean Energy Day was a collaboration between CICE, Climate Action Business Association (CABA), the Alliance for Business Leadership (ABL), and the Northeast Clean Energy Council.