Local Chamber Praises Wind Energy as Key to Economic Development
At a recent roundtable hosted by Chambers for Innovation and Conservatives for Clean Energy, Lt. Gen. John Castellaw, Rep. John Szoka (R-45) and Holly Grange (R-20) addressed the question: Are the growing economic developments of wind energy compatible with military operations in North Carolina?
Rep. Bob Steinberg and Lt. Gen. Castellaw
The answer: A resounding yes.
"The bottom line is the military already has an effective, non-political, non-emotional, just-the-facts, well-established process for making sure that wind and other energy projects are compatible with operations and promote our national security. Imposing blanket restrictions on wind development in the name of national security can make us more insecure."
-- Lt. Gen. Castellaw, served 36 years in the Marine Corps including nearly 10 years flying over eastern North Carolina.
Rep. John Szoka
“We need safe military operations, new energy resources for ratepayers and the benefits of increasing the property tax base for rural counties. I am personally satisfied that wind operations effects are negligible on military training. Recent congressional action that further clarifies the Department of Defense Clearing House procedures, including mandatory involvement of local bases, should remove any remaining doubt to those who may be skeptical of wind.”
-- Rep. John Szoka (R-Cumberland), is a retired Army Colonel who represents Ft. Bragg in the General Assembly.
“The Edenton-Chowan Chamber is grateful to Lt. Gen. Castellaw and Reps. Szoka and Grange for taking the time to ensure that other members of the legislature have factual knowledge about wind energy’s present and future impact on military operations in our state. We applaud these efforts to educate their peers on how critical the Northeastern North Carolina wind projects and resulting economic benefits are to the growth, prosperity and sustainability for a region like ours.”
-- Win Dale, Executive Director of the Edenton-Chowan Chamber of Commerce, said after the event.