Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Receives Statewide Recognition: “NC Clean Energy Champion” Award

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                     
December 7, 2021                                                                                

 The Wilmington Chamber of Commerce received statewide recognition for its outstanding leadership in advocating for clean energy opportunities in North Carolina at the 7th annual “North Carolina Clean Energy Champion” awards event. The December 7 online event was co-hosted by Conservatives for Clean Energy-NC (CCE) and Chambers for Innovation & Clean Energy (CICE). Click here to view a recording of the entire event.

 CICE’s Deputy Director Susan Munroe praised the Wilmington Chamber for its willingness to engage in discussions where clean energy such as solar, offshore wind and clean energy goals can bring economic investment and job creation to the Wilmington area. “I applaud the Wilmington chamber for their willingness to learn more about offshore wind development that directly impacts their members and community,” said Munroe.

 Natalie English, president and CEO of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce accepted the award sharing, “We are really excited about the implications of offshore wind and the number of jobs, and the impact to our regional economy. We know that our region should be a major player in the industry.”

 Event participants also heard from legislators and business leaders who shared their clean energy testimonies, and shared how the industry has impacted North Carolina’s economy, businesses, and communities.

CICE additionally premiered a new video that features business, economic development and educational leaders from across North Carolina and US Congressman David Rouzer discussing opportunities associated with offshore wind energy projects, manufacturing supply chain jobs, and ports infrastructure. Click here to watch.

In addition to the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, the Clayton Chamber of Commerce received the Clean Energy Champion Award alongside Biogen, Nestle, and Trophy Brewing. Representative John Szoka was awarded the Outstanding Public Service Award. The Clean Energy Leadership Award was received by Representative Harry Warren (R-Rowan), Senator Todd Johnson (R-Union), and Senator Thom Tillis; and Senator Michael Lazzara was awarded the Clean Energy Rising Star Award.

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More Information on the co-hosts:

Conservatives for Clean Energy educates the public about the benefits of clean and renewable energy sources in North Carolina, and has expanded its work into Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. The organization helps to lead the conversation about the economic benefits of clean energy. As conservatives, the organization encourages competition and free markets, which allows for vibrant, sustainable economies. Clean and renewable energy sources represent America's energy future. 

Chambers for Innovation and Clean Energy Chambers for Innovation and Clean Energy is a nationwide network of 1,300 chambers of commerce and economic development organizations. Created and led by chamber executives, CICE works with these associations to amplify and advance the clean energy economy, while highlighting business leadership in the areas of clean energy, climate action, and resilience.







Chamber Powerline: Volume 4 December 2021


Clayton Chamber of Commerce Receives Statewide Recognition: “NC Clean Energy Champion” Award