Catalyst for Growth: Leading By Example
Clean energy is reshaping the business and policy landscape, offering unprecedented economic growth and innovation opportunities. With solar and wind now the most inexpensive forms of new electricity generation, the clean energy revolution is driving billions of dollars in investment, creating millions of jobs, and sparking transformation across sectors like energy generation, transportation, infrastructure, and energy efficiency.
The Case for Economic Leadership
A strong majority of Americans support clean energy, sustainability, and climate action, underscoring the critical need for business leaders to seize this moment. By harnessing clean energy’s economic potential, chambers of commerce and economic development organizations can lead their communities into a prosperous, sustainable future while shaping policies that reflect local priorities.
Provide Additional Value to Your Community
As the clean energy economy gains momentum, chambers and economic developers play a crucial role in advocating for policies and projects that drive economic growth. Whether your chamber is already leading clean energy initiatives or just getting started, this Chamber Clean Energy Toolkit will equip you to lead your community and effectively champion your members’ priorities.
A Toolkit for Action:
Empowering Chambers to Lead in Clean Energy and Sustainability
Designed specifically for chamber and economic development leaders, the Chamber Clean Energy Toolkit is your go-to resource for advancing your chamber’s leadership in the clean energy space. Packed with practical guidance, real-world examples, and innovative ideas from chambers, it will help you:
Kickstart or expand clean energy or sustainability initiatives
Grow membership by engaging with businesses in emerging energy sectors
Foster collaboration with your community
Explore new revenue streams through clean energy or sustainability programming
Strengthen your chamber’s leadership and influence
Ensure the voice of business is heard on important energy and sustainability discussions
By taking action today, your chamber can help shape a thriving, resilient future for your community while driving economic growth. Let this toolkit inspire bold leadership, foster collaboration, and position your chamber as a trusted voice in the clean energy conversation. The time to lead is now.
Is Your Chamber at the Table?
“We see people who want to embrace sustainability, so we are trying to provide more of a carrot than a stick through positive reinforcement. We knew if we took leadership on this, we could make changes in our community.”